Seedot Shiny Hunting Guide (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)

Seedot is a Grass Type Pokémon first introduced in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire. Its design is based on an acorn. Its normal color scheme presents a dark brown body, gray cap, black eyes, pastel cream accents and feet.
Shiny Seedot keeps the same base colors, but they all become a few shades lighter, with the body being more of a burnt sienna shade of brown.
Seedot evolves into
Nuzleaf at Level 14, which becomes a
Shiftry when exposed to a Leaf Stone.
- You need to have purchased The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero DLC.
Preferred Location
The best location to hunt shiny Seedot is on the grassy area around the lake in the northeast of Kitakami.
Best Method to Hunt
The best method to hunt shiny Seedot is by making a Sparkling and Encounter Power: Grass Lv.3 Sandwich. Since Seedot is the only Grass-type Pokémon in that area, you’re guaranteed to encounter plenty of them.
Sandwich Making
The easiest way to make a Sparkling and Encounter Power: Grass Lv.3 Sandwich is by using:
- 1 Lettuce
- 1 Salty Herba Mystica + 1 Spicy/Sour Herba Mystica
If you don't have Salty Herba Mystica, then use this recipe:
- 1 Cucumber + 1 Pickle
- 3 Lettuce
- Any combination of 2 Herba Mystica except 1 Sweet + 1 Sour
To reset the spawns, travel around the grassy area where Seedot spawns, ensuring the Pokémon disappears on-screen. Another way to reset the spawns is to open up and close a picnic.
- Depending on the lighting and time of day, shiny
Seedot can be tricky to spot. The easiest way to spot the shiny is to focus on the lighter gray cap.