Pokémon Scarlet & Violet in game events
Current Events
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Past Events

Europe International Championship Palafin
Gavin Michaels used this Palafin in the 2023 Oceania International Championships.

Claim a Scarlet Case or Violet Case!
To celebrate Pokémon Day 2025, trainers can now redeem a code for a special Rotom Phone case matching their game version.

Challenge Walking Wake and Iron Leaves!
Walking Wake and Iron Leaves return to Tera Raid Battles!

Claim a Mythical Pecha Berry!
Since January 2024, players of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (SV) can claim a special mystery gift that unlocks a bonus episode, concluding the story of SV’s DLC storyline.

Shiny Keldeo and Shiny Meltan in Pokémon HOME
The shiny versions of Keldeo and Meltan are now available as mystery gifts as part of the Pokédex completion rewards.

Shiny Meloetta in Pokémon HOME
For the first time in Pokémon history, a shiny version of the Psychic and Normal-Type Mythical Melody Pokémon Meloetta is available as a mystery gift.

Shiny Enamorus and Shiny Manaphy in Pokémon HOME
The shiny versions of the legendary genie Enamorus and the mythical seafarer Manaphy are now available as mystery gifts in Pokémon HOME as part of a series of Pokédex completion rewards.

Tomoya Ogawa's Sylveon Gift
A new distribution is live for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. From August 16th - August 19th you can claim a Sylveon based on the Sylveon used by Tomoya Ogawa, the 2023 Senior Division World Champion.

Sceptile the Unrivaled in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet 7-Star Tera Raids
Sceptile, the "Forest Pokémon," is coming to 7-Star Black Crystal Tera raids.

7-Star Emboar with Electric Tera-type
Emboar, the "Mega Fire Pig Pokémon," is coming to 7-Star Black Crystal Tera raids with an Electric Tera-type.

Nils Dunlop's Porygon2 Mystery Gift
Grab this free Porygon2 Mystery Gift in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This code was announced during the North American International Championships livestream in June 2024.

Water-type Mass Outbreaks
Summer-themed Water-type Mass Outbreaks will appear in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Dot's Quaxly Mystery Gift in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Dot's Quaxly from Pokémon Horizons, the animated series, is available as a free Mystery Gift in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet until November 30th, 2024.

7-Star Primarina Raids
Primarina the Unrivaled is coming to 7-Star Black Crystal Tera Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Shin Yeo-myeong's Championship Flutter Mane Distribution
Shin Yeo-Meong, the 2023 Senior Division Trainers Cup champion, is commemorated with a free Flutter Mane distribution code.

Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Return this Spring
Walking Wake and Iron Leaves are coming back to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet for 10 days this Spring.

Golden Shiny Outbreaks
Shiny hunt Magikarp, Varoom, Shinx, and Rellor in this gold themed Pokémon Scarlet and Violet mass outbreak event.

Marco’s Iron Hands Mystery Gift Distribution
This Iron Hands is based on the build used by Marco Silva, 2024 LAIC VGC Champion.

7-Star Meganium coming to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Meganium is getting some love in the next 7-Star Tera Raid event coming to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet!

Baby Pokémon Outbreaks
Adorable baby Pokémon will be appearing in Mass Outbreaks this Spring!

Version-Exclusive Tera Raids with Brute Bonnet and Iron Hands
Brute Bonnet and Iron Hands are coming to 5-star Tera raids.

Liko's Sprigatito Distribution
There's a new distribution for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players featuring Liko's Sprigatito.

Yoasobi's Pawmot Gift
You can grab a free Cherish Ball Pawmot using the latest mystery gift code.

Pokémon Day Tera Raids
Pokémon Day Tera Raids featuring Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise will be taking place over three weeks.

Valentine's Day Luvdisc Raids
Luvdisc is coming to 3 and 5 star raids in celebration of Valentine's Day.

5-Star Flutter Mane and Iron Jugulis
Flutter Mane and Iron Jugulis will be appearing in 5-Star Tera Raids with random Tera-types

Neo-Kitakami Phone Case
Following the release of the epilogue for The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, trainers can redeem a code for a Neo-Kitakami Rotom Phone case.

7-Star Blaziken Tera Raid
7-Star Blaziken with a Flying Tera-type will appear in black crystal raid battles!

Expert Belt and Quick Balls
Get a free Expert Belt and 30x Quick Balls with these two distribution codes.

Dragon Type Pokémon in Mass Outbreaks
In celebration of the New Year, Dratini, Jangmo-o, and Duraludon will be appearing in mass outbreaks.

Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Return
These two new Pokémon will be returning over Christmas and New Years!

7-Star Iron Bundle
Iron Bundle will have the Ice Tera type, making it weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel.

Delibird Mass Outbreaks
Attracted by the excitement of Christmas, Delibird will be appearing mass outbreaks throughout the Paldea region, Kitikami, and Blueberry Academy.

Dragapult (Pokémon International Championships)
This Dragapult is based on the one used by Alex Gómez Berna, who got first place in the 2023 North America International Championships.

Gimmighoul (Upbeat Mark)
Attention Trainers! You can now claim a Gimmighoul with the Upbeat Mark in celebration of the 4th episode of Pokémon Paldean Winds.

World Championship Gastrodon
Inspired by the Gastrodon used by Eduardo Cunha to win the 2023 Pokémon World Championships, players can receive a free Gastrodon by using this code.

Shiny Outbreaks — The Indigo Disk Celebration
Shiny odds are boosted during this mass outbreak event.

Revavroom (Pokémon Paldean Winds)
Pokémon Paldean Winds Episode 3 has been released, and to celebrate a Revavroom based on the one used by Team Star in the episode is being distributed.

Eevee Outbreaks
In celebration of Eevee day, there will be a large increase in Eevee outbreaks in both Paldea and Kitakami.

Halloween Mass Outbreaks!
Drifloon, Phantump, Mimikyu, and Greavard will be appearing in mass outbreaks throughout Paldea and Kitakami.

Free Herba Mystica (Paldean Winds)
With the release of Pokémon Paldean Winds Episode 1, trainers can receive a free Sweet Herba Mystica or Spicy Herba Mystica.

7-star Hisuian Decidueye
Decidueye (Hisuian form) will be appearing in 7-star black crystal tera raids.

Clefairy Outbreaks with Increased odds of Upbeat Mark
These Clefairy will have an increased chance of having the Upbeat Mark.

Cetitan Distribution
The Cetitan appearing in Episode 1 of Pokémon Paldean Winds is the inspiration behind this new serial code distribution.

Warm up for Mewtwo: Grimmsnarl, Hatterene and Chansey are appearing in 5-Star Tera raids
Prepare for Mewtwo with these 5-star raids.

Get Your Mew
To help prepare for the upcoming 7-Star Mewtwo raids, a Mew with a random Tera type is available via serial code.

Free Shiny Grimmsnarl
This shiny Grimmsnarl is based on the 2022 Thailand Championships winner, Chaiyawat Traiwichcha.

Charizard (Dark Tera Type)
Based on the Charizard used by Friede, a Pokémon Professor in Pokémon Horizons: The Series.

50x Fighting Tera Shards
The ninth episode of Pokémon Research Club is now available on YouTube! To celebrate, trainers can receive 50 Fighting Tera Shards using this distribution code.

Shiny Arcanine Distribution
This distribution is based on Paul Chua's Shiny Arcanine used to win the Europe International Championships.

Free Rare Candy (Paldean Treasure Hunt)
In celebration of the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero trailer shown in the Nintendo Direct on June 21st, 2023, trainers can claim 10 Nuggets, 10 Rare Candy, and 1 Friend Ball.

Pokémon Trainers Cup Gastrodon
This free Gastrodon in a Cherrish Ball is based on the one trained by Champion Wonseok Jung in the 2022 Pokémon Trainers Cup.

Bronzong Distribution
Yasuharu Shimizu, the 2022 Senior World Champion, used this Bronzong to help secure victory.

Free Bulldoze and Rock Slide TMs
The ninth episode of the After School Pokémon Research Club is now available on YouTube, and to celebrate trainers can claim TM028 Bulldoze and TM086 Rock Slide.

Free Gold Bottle Cap
A special distribution is now available, allowing trainers to get a free Gold Bottle Cap.

Free Stealth Rock and Baton Pass TMs
TM116 Stealth Rock and TM132 Baton Pass are being distributed to celebrate the 7th episode of the After School Pokémon Research Club.

Three Codes: Rare Candy, Max Revives, and Poké Balls.
The Pokémon Newsletter in Japan informed trainers of these three codes.

Free TMs: TM082 Thunder Wave and TM087 Taunt
The items TM082 Thunder Wave and TM087 Taunt are being given out in celebration of the 5th episode of the After School Pokémon Research Club.

Fastest Strategy for 7-star Decidueye in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
This is the fastest way to defeat 7-star Decidueye in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera raids.

Garganacl (San Diego Regional Championship)
Jiseok Lee's Posion Tera type Garganacl will be distributed during the Oceania International Championships live stream.

Stardust, Star Piece, and Comet Shard Lottery
As part of a New Year Lottery campaign, the @poke_times Twitter account shared these codes.

20k League Points
The After School Pokémon Research Club aired its first episode and to celebrate trainers can claim 20,000 League Points (LP).

Misc Sandwich Ingredients
These codes will get you a randomized selection of Sandwich Ingredients.

Free Sandwich Ingredients
Use this code to get 10 Peanut Butter, 10 Rice, 10 Hamburger, 10 Cream Cheese, 10 Noodles, and 10 Prosciutto.