Remote Shadow Raids Debut in Pokémon GO

For the first time ever in Pokémon GO, the restrictions on remote raiding have been temporarily lifted for Shadow Raids. Until now, Shadow Raids have been limited to local, in-person players only.
During the Fashion Week: Taken Over event, which runs from Wednesday, January 15th at 12:00 midnight to Sunday, January 19th at 8:00 p.m. local time, the remote raid restrictions on Shadow Raids have been lifted, allowing Pokémon GO trainers to join and host Shadow Raids remotely.
Official Remote Shadow Raid Announcement
This news was announced on the official Pokémon GO social media channels. As part of the announcement, Niantic also stated that Pokémon caught from 5-star shadow raids may have high Attack, Defense, and HP.
Typically, Pokémon caught from shadow raids have an Individual Value (IV) floor of 6. While not confirmed, this could mean that the IV floor will be raised to 10, making this an incredible opportunity to catch a Shadow Ho-oh or Shadow Registeel with perfect stats (also known as a Hundo or Shundo if it's shiny)!
The official blog post expanded on this announcement, stating that, "Pokémon caught via one-star and three-star Shadow Raids during the event will have a wider variance of Attack, Defense, and HP."
This means one-star and three-star raids have an IV floor of zero, or no floor at all. This is great for trainers looking to catch Pokémon for use in the GO Battle league, because Pokémon that perform best in PVP typically have an Attack stat less than 5.
Remote Raid Limit Increase
The official Shadow Ho-oh Raid Day blog post was also updated to include details about the Remote Raid limit being increased from five to twenty remote raids.
"The Remote Raid limit will increase to 20 from Saturday, January 18, at 4:00 p.m. to Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. PST." —
The Best PVP Pokémon to Prioritize During Fashion Week: Taken Over
With the IV floor removed for one- and three-star Shadow Raids, some high ranking PVP Pokémon can now be caught with top-tier stats. This list focuses on Pokémon available in raids only.
Shadow Totodile
Shadow Feraligatr, Shadow Totodile's final evolution is a high ranking PVP Pokémon both in the Great League and Ultra League according to the well known PVP resource
Best PVP IVs for Shadow Feraligatr
The ideal IV spread for Shadow Feraligatr in both the Great and Ultra Leagues is 0/11/13.
Best PVP Moveset for Shadow Feraligatr
The best moves for Shadow Feraligatr are Shadow Claw,
Hydro Cannon*, and
Ice Beam.
Hydro Cannon is a Legacy Move, normally requiring an Elite Charged TM to learn, but don't use this precious item just yet! During the Steeled Resolve event starting on Tuesday, January 21, at 10:00 a.m. local time, trainers can evolve certain Pokémon and learn a featured attack and Crocanaw is one of those featured Pokémon!
Shadow Nidoran♀
Shadow Nidoqueen is rank 49 overall in the Great League.
Best PVP IVs for Shadow Nidoqueen
The ideal IV spread for Shadow Nidoqueen in the Great League is 0/14/15. While not as highly ranked in the Ultra League, the best Ultra League IVs for Shadow Nidoqueen are 0/15/12.
Best PVP Moveset for Shadow Nidoqueen
Poison Jab,
Poison Fang,
Earth Power are the best moves for Shadow Nidoqueen.
Shadow Ho-oh
In the Master League, Ho-oh and Shadow Ho-oh are both performing very well. Normal Ho-oh is rank 8, and shadow Ho-oh is rank 13 (source:
The Master League has no Combat Power (CP) limit, so the ideal IVs are 15/15/15 (the maximum). Remember that purifying a Shadow Pokémon will raise all three IVs (Attack, Defense, and HP) by two points. With the increased chance at higher IVs for five-star Shadow Raids during the Taken Over event, this is a great opportunity to get a Ho-oh with ideal stats.
Best PVP Moveset for Shadow Ho-oh
Brave Bird,
Sacred Fire* are the best moves for both Normal and Shadow Ho-oh. Sacred Fire is a Legacy move, normally requiring an Elite Charged TM to learn, but during Shadow Ho-oh Raid Day, trainers can use a normal Charged TM to teach Ho-oh Sacred Fire.
What's Next?
Many players are surprised to see Remote Raids debuting for Shadow Raids. Could this be the beginning of more limited time Remote Raid bonuses for other previously local-only features like Max Battles?