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Pokémon GO

How To Use Pokémon GO Adventure Effects



Table of contents

Adventure Effects, a relatively new feature in Pokémon GO, are bonuses given when certain Pokémon use specific moves outside of battle. To use Adventure Effects, you’ll need to have the required Pokémon that knows the specified move, as well as Stardust and Candy on hand to activate it. You can only have one Adventure Effect active at a time.

You can extend each Adventure Effect activation up to two hours, although you can increase this even further up to 24 hours if you activate it multiple times, giving you a full day’s worth of bonuses – if you have the Stardust and Candy to invest in it, that is!

We’ll walk you through what each Adventure Effect is, what they cost and how to use them to get the most benefit in your gameplay.

Roar of Time Adventure Effect


Roar Of Time

Charged Attack

Gyms & Raids





Energy Delta


Trainer Battles







Note that Roar of Time is not able to be taught via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM. It was only obtainable as a rare possible known move for Origin Forme Dialga released during past special events 2024 Sinnoh Tour and 2024 Go Wild Area. 


Dialga Origin
Shiny icon

Dialga Origin



Roar of Time pauses the timer of Trainer Boost Items such as Incense, Daily Adventure Incense, Lucky Eggs and Starpieces.

Note that Roar of Time does not affect Mystery Boxes or Coin Bags.


  • 5,000 Stardust
  • 5 Dialga Candy or Rare Candy


6 minutes

When To Use

Roar of Time is most commonly used to extend the timer of Incense, particularly the Daily Adventure Incense for the purpose of hunting the rare Galarian Birds, Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos.

Spacial Rend Adventure Effect


Note that Spacial Rend is not able to be taught via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM. It was only obtainable as a rare possible known move for Origin Forme Palkia released during past special events 2024 Sinnoh Tour and 2024 Go Wild Area. 



Spacial Rend increases the encounter radius for wild Pokémon spawns.

Note that Spacial Rend does not extend the radius to reach Gyms or Pokéstops.



10 minutes

When To Use

Spacial Rend is commonly used during special events with rare spawns or increased Shiny chances, such as Community Day or Spotlight Hours, as this effect will allow you to encounter and catch more Pokémon in that limited time.

Sunsteel Strike Adventure Effect


Note that Sunsteel Strike is not able to be taught via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM. It will automatically be learned upon fusing a Necrozma with Solgaleo.



Sunsteel Strike temporarily changes the current in-game time of day to reflect the daytime, allowing the evolution of Pokémon that can only evolve during the day and specific daytime wild Pokémon spawn, including:

  • Pidgey
  • Yungoos
  • Cottonee
  • Helioptile
  • Tyrunt
  • Fomantis
  • Solrock
  • Alolan Exeggutor
  • Rockruff
  • Dusk Form Rockruff



10 minutes

When To Use

Sunsteel Strike is commonly used to hunt specific spawns that can appear during this Adventure Effect, or to evolve certain Pokémon that can only evolve during the day without having to wait.

Moongeist Beam Adventure Effect


Note that Moongeist Beam is not able to be taught via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM. It will automatically be learned upon fusing a Necrozma with Lunala.



Moongeist Beam temporarily changes the current in-game time of day to reflect the nighttime, allowing the evolution of Pokémon that can only evolve during the night and specific nighttime wild Pokémon spawn, including:

  • Gligar
  • Alolan Rattata
  • Clefairy
  • Munna
  • Amaura
  • Galarian Zigzagoon
  • Lunatone
  • Alolan Marowak
  • Rockruff
  • Dusk Form Rockruff



10 minutes

When To Use

Moongeist Beam is commonly used to hunt specific spawns that can appear during this Adventure Effect or to evolve certain Pokémon that can only evolve during the night without having to wait, including evolving Ursaring into Ursaluna, who typically requires a full moon.

Freeze Shock Adventure Effect


Note that Freeze Shock is not able to be taught via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM. It will automatically be learned upon fusing a Zekrom with a Kyurem that knows the Charged Attack Glaciate. However, note that Glaciate is able to be taught to Kyurem using an Elite Charged TM.



Freeze Shock temporarily casts electrically charged ice which makes Pokémon you encounter unable to move and 1.25x easier to catch, including with connected accessory devices such as the Pokémon GO Plus +.



10 minutes

When To Use

Freeze Shock is great to use when hunting Pokémon that move around a lot and are difficult to catch, such as powerful Legendaries or the rare Galarian birds. Additionally, because it makes Pokémon easier to catch via connected accessory devices, this is a great Adventure Effect to use when your Pokémon GO Plus + is active, as you'll be able to catch more Pokémon and have fewer flee.

Ice Burn Adventure Effect


Note that Ice Burn is not able to be taught via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM. It will automatically be learned upon fusing a Reshiram with a Kyurem that knows the Charged Attack Glaciate. However, note that Glaciate is able to be taught to Kyurem using an Elite Charged TM.



Ice Burn temporarily activates a chilling energy that makes the target ring in Pokémon encounters move slower, making it easier to land Excellent Throws. Additionally, it also makes Pokémon 1.5x easier to catch, including with connected accessory devices such as the Pokémon GO Plus +.



10 minutes

When To Use

Ice Burn is great to use when hunting Pokémon are difficult to catch and land Excellent Throws for, such as powerful Legendaries or the rare Galarian birds. Additionally, because it makes Pokémon easier to catch via connected accessory devices, this is a great Adventure Effect to use when your Pokémon GO Plus + is active, as you'll be able to catch more Pokémon and have fewer flee.

Be sure to check back in the future as more Adventure Effects get added to the game so you can maximize their full potential!

Pokémon GO Tools





CP Calculator

Coming Soon


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