How To Use Daily Adventure Incense & Catch the Galarian Birds in Pokémon GO

Daily Adventure Incense is a unique and useful item in Pokémon GO that players can use once daily to attract rare Pokémon, including the rare Galarian birds,
Galarian Articuno,
Galarian Moltres and
Galarian Zapdos, to their location while moving for fifteen minutes. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to take advantage of this incense type so you can understand its distinct functions and use it to its full potential.
How Do I Unlock Daily Adventure Incense?
To access Daily Adventure Incense, you must complete the Special Research “An Intriguing Incense Part One.” This Special Research becomes automatically available to new trainers and is super easy to complete. All you have to do is hit “Claim Reward” to redeem your first Daily Adventure Incense, and you’re all set!
An Intriguing Incense Part 1 (1/1)
- Claim reward: 1 Daily Adventure Incense
- Completion rewards: 1,000 XP
Your Daily Adventure Incense will remain in your inventory indefinitely and can be used once a day beginning at 12 a.m. local time. Best of all, the Daily Adventure Incense will not count towards item space in your bag and will be removed from your inventory after it’s used each day. Rest assured though, the Daily Adventure Incense will be back the next day for you to use again.
Completing this Special Research will unlock the next step, “A Mysterious Incense Part 2.” However, you do not need to complete this step to be able to use your Daily Adventure Incense. That said, you might as well, as the steps aren’t too hard to complete and offer some nice rewards!
An Intriguing Incense Part 2 (1/2)
- Use 1 Daily Adventure Incense: 1,000 XP
- Use Daily Adventure Incense to help catch 10 Pokémon: 1,000 XP
- Walk 1km: 1,000 XP
- Completion rewards: 25 Poké Balls, 500 Stardust and a Ponyta encounter
An Intriguing Incense Part 2 (2/2)
- Use 5 Daily Adventure Incense: 1,000 XP
- Use Daily Adventure Incense to help catch 100 Pokémon: 1,000 XP
- Walk 10km: 1,000 XP
- Completion rewards: 2,500 XP, 2,500 Stardust and a Dodrio encounter
How Does Daily Adventure Incense Work?
Daily Adventure Incense works similarly to the regular Incense in Pokémon GO in that it attracts rare Pokémon to your location for a duration of time. However, unlike the regular Incense which lasts for one hour, Daily Adventure Incense lasts for just fifteen minutes, assuming no special events are going on. It’s also unique in that it can be used once a day and never disappears for good — only temporarily once it’s been used that day.
To activate the Daily Adventure Incense, simply tap the icon on the right-hand side of the main screen. If you haven’t used your Daily Adventure Incense for the day yet, it will appear here. You can also activate it by going into your Item Bag and selecting it within the “Trainer Boosts” section.
Note that you cannot overlap the use of your Daily Adventure Incense with a regular Incense or another Trainer Boost item, such as the Mystery Box or
Coin Bag — you will need to wait until the Daily Adventure Incense you currently have activated runs out before you can activate a regular Incense, and vice versa.
What Pokémon Spawn From Daily Adventure Incense?
Daily Adventure Incense allows Pokémon outside of the regular spawn assortment for your area to appear, giving you the chance to encounter uncommon Pokémon you wouldn’t normally find in the wild. You’re also more likely to find strong or evolved forms of Pokémon, which can make great additions to your Pokédex and your team. Pokémon spawns from the Daily Adventure Incense are identifiable by a purple swirl around them on the map screen and a Daily Adventure Icense icon on the catch screen.
How Do I Catch the Galarian Birds?
Perhaps most notably, Daily Adventure Incense is the only way to spawn the three Galarian birds; aka the Galarian regional variants of Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos, as well as their Shiny versions. These Legendary birds are extremely rare spawns and their non-Shiny versions are just as difficult to catch. Their high flee rate typically gives you one shot and one shot only to catch them.
Choose your Poké Balls and Berries wisely and make that throw count! We recommend using a Golden Razz Berry and throwing an
Ultra Ball for the best chance of catching one. Or, if you’re lucky enough to have a
Master Ball, you can consider throwing one for a guaranteed catch.
Thankfully, the Shiny versions of the Galarian birds, while rarer to encounter (the Shiny rate is approximately 1/20), won’t run from you even if you miss your shot. As long as you have Poké Balls to throw, you can keep trying to catch them without them fleeing.
How Can I Maximize My Daily Adventure Incense?
To get the most out of your Daily Adventure Incense each day, be sure to use it while walking to continuously encounter more spawns. Walking at a brisk pace will also help you cover more ground and allow for more spawns within the fifteen-minute window.
For those with an Origin Forme Dialga that knows the Charged Attack
Roar of Time, you also have the option to use the Adventure Effect associated with this move. For 5,000 Stardust and 5 Dialga Candy, you can pause the timer of effect bonuses for six minutes, including Daily Adventure Incense. This essentially allows you to extend the use of your Daily Adventure Incense by six minutes at a time, up to a maximum of two hours per activation. However, you can activate Roar of Time repeatedly for a true maximum of 24 hours — if you have enough Candy and Stardust on hand, that is!
Another great feature of the Daily Adventure Incense is that if you have fewer than 30 Poké Balls,
Great Balls and
Ultra Balls combined, you’ll automatically receive 30 Poké Balls when you activate it for the day. This is to ensure you can get the most use out of your Daily Adventure Incense every day, no matter how much inventory you have on hand. After all, there’s nothing worse than having to watch a desired Pokémon get away because you’ve run out of Poké Balls.
Now that you understand how the Daily Adventure Incense works, get out there each day and see what rare Pokémon you can discover!