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Pokémon GO

Nanab Berry (Pokémon GO)

Nanab Berry

Nanab Berry

Feed this to a Pokémon to calm it down, making it less erratic.



Nanab Berries were added into Pokémon GO on February 16, 2017 alongside Pinap Berries, Johto Pokémon, and other new features (source).

When first released, Nanab Berries reduced the amount a wild Pokémon would attack or dodge. On December 7th, 2020, a blog post was published announcing several changes, including an improvement to the Nanab Berry, completely calming Pokémon during encounters.

How to Get Nanab Berries

  • Level up rewards.
  • Spinning Poké Stops or Gyms.
  • Completing specific Field Research Tasks.

Note: Nanab Berries are unlocked as drops from spinning Poké Stops and Gyms starting at level 4.

Nanab Berry In-game Screenshots

Nanab Berry in the inventory

Nanab Berry selected

Nanab Berry animation

Nanab Berry applied

Nanab Berry

Nanab Berry

Feed this to a Pokémon to calm it down, making it less erratic.





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